W. Ross Macdonald Trophy
Top Associate level Piano performance, chosen Saturday night at Trophy Competition
Markwell J. Perry Trophy
Top Grade 10 Piano performance, chosen Saturday night at Trophy Competition
BMF Kiwanis Piano Trophy
Awarded annually to a promising competitor chosen from all piano solo classes
R. L. Houlding Trophy
Best Performance, Baroque Class, Grade 10/Associate
Angus Jewellers Trophy
Best performance, Classical Class, Grade 10/Associate
Hagey Trophy
Best Performance, Romantic Era, Grade 10/Associate
Mary O'Grady Trophy
Awarded annually to an outstanding competitor, 15 years of age and under, chosen from all piano solo classes
Nell A Palling Trophy
Awarded annually to a promising competitor, 13 years of age and under, chosen from all piano solo classes
Emma Robinson Memorial Trophy
Awarded annually to a promising competitor, 10 years of age and under, chosen from piano solo classes
Exposure to the Arts Concerto Trophy
Awarded annually to the competitor in a piano concerto class who, in the opinion of the adjudicator, has given the best performance
Sylvia Skomorowski Trophy
Best performance, Canadian composer classes
Diana Dumlavwalla Trophy
Piano performance of Spanish/Hispanic composers
Duet Award
Awarded to best duet, chosen from all duet classes